separation anxiety / remaining alone

Many dogs have trouble being alone and it is a very normal behaviour. But often it does not fit into our lifestyle. Dogs show stress reactions as soon as the dog owner moves out the door. Often these dogs bark, howl or whine for hours. Sometimes even the home furnishings have to believe it.

Being alone can be clean and reliably functioning - even with dogs that already show a fear of separation. It does not always have to be done wrong, separation anxiety can also appear suddenly. The problem can be particularly serious with dogs from abroad that have found a family after a long time of being alone.




Registration deadline 25.03.2022

Study goals

Contents in theory and practice:

  • What are the backgrounds of separation anxiety and why does it develop?
  • Which symptoms actually belong to it
  • Training of being alone
  • Strategies to help the dog through this phase

Seminar Details

target audience:

all, whose dog has a problem with separation stress / stay alone


seminar is taking place per ZOOM



course places:

Are limited to 12 teams

course administration

Prisca Elsener

In 2014 I had the opportunity to do an internship at fairtrain - für dog and human and since 2015 I have been working as deputy manager and co-trainer. 


Due to the fact that so many people and dogs are looking for advice and guidance at fairtrain - for dog and human, I had and still have the opportunity to gain rich experience in successful work with different human-dog teams and to live out my fascination for dogs. On the one hand I teach dogs from puppies to senior dogs and on the other hand I offer courses in agility, nadac, lunging and all-in-one. I apply my expertise especially in the field of behavioral therapy, individual coaching and seminars. 


With my three own dogs I am enthusiastically active in agilty and mantrailing. 


At the moment I am studying nutrition and dietetics parallel to my work at the dog school.