
Registration deadline 26.03.2021

Seminar Details

target audience:

For all those who want to make the trip to the vet easier and more relaxed


dog school fairtrain, Knonau ZH (Säuliamt und Umgebung)


course places:

Are limited to 8 teams with dog and 8 participants without dog

course administration

Prisca Elsener

In 2014 I had the opportunity to do an internship at fairtrain - für dog and human and since 2015 I have been working as deputy manager and co-trainer. 


Due to the fact that so many people and dogs are looking for advice and guidance at fairtrain - for dog and human, I had and still have the opportunity to gain rich experience in successful work with different human-dog teams and to live out my fascination for dogs. On the one hand I teach dogs from puppies to senior dogs and on the other hand I offer courses in agility, nadac, lunging and all-in-one. I apply my expertise especially in the field of behavioral therapy, individual coaching and seminars. 


With my three own dogs I am enthusiastically active in agilty and mantrailing. 


At the moment I am studying nutrition and dietetics parallel to my work at the dog school.